June 15-17, 2017
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL
This professional development event at the University of Central Florida was designed to disseminate educational tools and strategies for implementing undergraduate pre-research courses.
Our intention is to help increase the number of undergraduates participating in research and enhance the quality of the experience for students, particularly transfer students, first generation college, and students underrepresented in their discipline. Participation in undergraduate research has shown to increase student success in undergraduate studies and to improve retention in STEM majors.
The workshop was designed for faculty and professional staff interested in learning how to teach pre-research courses on their own campus. Click this link for our paper published in JCST.
Our intention is to help increase the number of undergraduates participating in research and enhance the quality of the experience for students, particularly transfer students, first generation college, and students underrepresented in their discipline. Participation in undergraduate research has shown to increase student success in undergraduate studies and to improve retention in STEM majors.
The workshop was designed for faculty and professional staff interested in learning how to teach pre-research courses on their own campus. Click this link for our paper published in JCST.
This workshop was sponsored by a collaborative grant from the National Science foundation (DUE-1623694, 1623581, 1623697, and 1623631).